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Aug 08, 2019 at 8:00 AM
Ron Ramsey Regional Ag Center
140 Spurgeon Lane
Blountville, TN 37617(map)
This year’s conference will address topics of interest to both stocker and cow-calf producers. The conference will be a one-day event and will include educational sessions covering such topics as advancing reproduc-tive management, restoring feeding areas back to pasture, beef cattle outlook, corn si-lage as an alternative feed, stocker versus feedlot health, and endophyte vs. novel endo-phyte fescue. Once again, we will have virtual tours of operations from each of the three states and then will have a time of questions and answers with the producers themselves. This year’s conference will be one that should add dollars to your bottom line whether you run a stocker or a cow-calf operation.
Topics and Speakers
Corn Silage as an Alternative Feed: Feed-ing to Cows and Stocker Cattle
Dr. Jason Smith
Assistant Professor &
Extension Specialist
University of Tennessee
Advancing Reproductive Management
Dr. Vitor Mercadante, DVM
Assistant Professor &
Extension Specialist
Virginia Tech University
Beef Cattle Outlook
Dr. Kenny Burdine
Associate Professor
University of Kentucky
Stocker vs Feedlot Health
Dr. Mark Alley, DVM
Endophyte Fescue vs. Novel Endophyte: Impacts on Reproduction, Milk Produc-tion, and Stocker Growth
Dr. Matt Poore
Professor and Extension Leader
North Carolina State University
Restoring Feeding Areas Back to Pasture after Feeding and Developing a Feeding Area
Dr. Gary Bates
Professor and Director
UT Beef and Forage Center
University of Tennessee
Virtual Tours of three beef operations
We will highlight an operation from each
of the three states and will have a time of
questions and answers with the producers
A trade show will be open during the conference, with many of the animal health, feed, and marketing organizations involved in the region’s beef industry there for you to meet and learn more about their products and services.
Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. The program will begin at 9:20 a.m.
A steak lunch will be provided for all participants.
Directions to Ag Center
Conference Hotel
140 Spurgeon Ln Blountville, TN 37617
Take Exit 63 off I-81 to TN-357 S Turn right onto Centenary Rd Continue Straight onto Spurgeon Ln 1.4 miles